Wednesday, August 16, 2006


I was perusing the May 2006 issue of "Costco Connection" in the umm... shall we say, "reading room." In the "Debate goes on" section, they list some additional responses to the April debate question,
"Is the United States ready for a women president?"
I.W. Reece, from Scottsdale, Arizona answered,
"No. The Founding Fathers solved this problem. They established a minimum age of 35 years for the Presidency, and I don't know of any woman that would admit she is over 35."

Needless to say, my co-workers thought I was pretty strange, laughing out loud that hard while perched upon the throne.

By the way, it stands for "Sitting On Toilet, Laughing My Ass Off!"

Just sayin'...


Blogger BLAZER PROPHET said...

Funny line. I laughed too.

I think this country, overall, is "ready" for a woman prez. Congress is weak and people really don;t care about much anymore (in general). So, who really cares?

However, the term Madam president makes her sound like the head of a brothel. And I suppose there's a lot of truth to that as well.

7:20 AM  

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